Laulauga Tausaga-Collins and Annie Kunz Visit Local School for Olympic Day Run With US! Event

Laulauga Tausaga-Collins and Annie Kunz Visit Local School for Olympic Day Run With US! Event


Students at Leonardo da Vinci Health Sciences Charter School (LdVCS) experienced a day of inspiration and athleticism as they welcomed professional athletes Annie Kunz, Olympic Heptathlete, and Laulauga Tausaga-Collins, 2023 Discus World Champion, to their Olympic Day Run With US! event.

“At LdV we strive for healthy minds, bodies, and hearts through supporting each other and helping each other grow. Olympic Day is an annual tradition that unites and inspires our students to seek after excellence by watching those who have gone before,” said Courtney Cox, Director of LdVCS.

The day began with an ‘Olympic Ceremony’ where students recited the Olympic Oath before marching with their selected country flags and Olympic torches. Following the ceremony, students competed in 7 different field game activities like baton relays, hurdles, and an obstacle course. Kunz, a versatile heptathlon athlete, led the hurdle station, where she demonstrated technique, provided valuable tips, and answered questions from the students. Tausaga-Collins hosted a demonstration station to familiarize students with discus throw event. For many of the students this was their first introduction to the event.

Reflecting on the event, Laulauga Tausaga-Collins expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to inspire young athletes. “It was an absolute joy to be able to teach children and their parents the brilliance of the field part of track and field. It was also fitted with hilarious moments of children asking me to throw water bottles for demo purposes. Overall, an amazing experience for the children and myself,” exclaimed Tausaga-Collins.

Danielle Callahan, PE Teacher at LdVCS said, “Our kids were over the moon to interact with professional athletes, and ones that are the best at their craft. They were the ultimate role models for our young athletes. They spoke about all of the hard work and sacrifices they’ve made, but also the amazing payoff of accomplishing world championships, college scholarships and the benefits of seeing the world because of their sport. Most importantly, they were gracious and kind to our kids, even when out kindergarteners asked questions to Laulauga like, “Can you throw the discus from here to Atlanta?”

The USATF Foundation provides a means to attract and guide funds to new and innovative track and field programs with an emphasis on providing opportunities for youth athletes, emerging and experienced elite athletes, along with guidance on future career paths. The Foundation depends upon donations from its Board of Directors, major gifts, and from generous fans of track & field.

Elite athletes are supported by the Foundation via monetary grants, career counseling (mentoring and jobs) and participation in Run With US!. Youth athletes are supported via monetary grants to youth clubs.

For more information, or to contribute to the USA Track & Field Foundation, Click Here or contact Tom Jackovic at (412) 398-2484 or