John Burgess

John Burgess

Founder and CEO, BSN Capital Partners

Miami, FL
John is a lifelong track and field fan and participant, John is a native Bostonian and the son of a former track and field coach.  John ran cross country along with indoor and outdoor track at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA where he held class and school records in the mile and two mile.  John graduated from Wesleyan University in CT as a Thorndyke Scholar where he captained the cross country team and competed in indoor and outdoor track. John enjoys biking and skiing and has continued to run actively and compete in UK and US Masters 5K events.

The USATF Foundation provides a means to attract and guide funds to new and innovative track and field programs with an emphasis on providing opportunities for youth athletes, emerging and experienced elite athletes, along with guidance on future career paths. The Foundation depends upon donations from its Board of Directors, major gifts, and from generous fans of track & field.

Elite athletes are supported by the Foundation via monetary grants, career counseling (mentoring and jobs) and participation in Run With US!. Youth athletes are supported via monetary grants to youth clubs.

For more information, or to contribute to the USA Track & Field Foundation, Click Here or contact Tom Jackovic at (412) 398-2484 or