24 Mar USATF Foundation Assists Elite Athletes with Workout Equipment During Covid-19 Crisis
The USATF Foundation and USATF are partnering in this time of need to donate funds for elite track & field athletes to purchase portable training equipment during the Covid-19 crisis. Many states and/or local municipalities have placed restrictions on facilities where larger groups can gather, such as gyms and weight rooms directly affecting our athlete’s ability to remain dedicated to their training.
To assist in bridging the gap between now and when restrictions are lifted and normal weight room access can occur, funds will be allocated to each Tier and TPP athlete in the amount of $400 towards the purchase of portable weight training equipment to use at home or at the track.
“During this unfortunate crisis we want to give these athletes every opportunity to stay on top of their training while they focus on the next Olympic Games,” stated USATF Foundation CEO Tom Jackovic.